Sunday, February 17, 2008

her map of the world.

people say things like "oh god, i hate that" when you say that you like something like, a spider for instance.

when they say something like that they are giving you an indication that they feel something.

this is an example of a strongly negative reaction to a statement you made.

you have just successfully taken control of a person`s internal state by mentioning a spider and had them tell you how distasteful thay find the creature.

but more importantly they had the feeling of experiencing a real spider.

this has trememdous meaning for you as you learn to speak to beautiful women now.

so are you going to find something she hates and go on about it?

not if you want to kiss the girl any time soon.

what you need to do is to tell her engaging stories about things you reasonably guess she might like.

like walking on the beach with someone they trust.

or going for a boatride across a still lake under a full moon while playing the guitar.

or eating something delicious.

or describing something soft and sensual like baby tiger cubs at the zoo that you got to handle.

and watch how she responds.

when you find the right thing she will light up by flushing slightly in the face and her pupils will dialate and the muscles in her face will is an unmistakable response that once you experience it created at your will, you will forever be addicted.

so then what?

once you have found out what she responds strongly to, you can associate that response to something about you.

and anchor it.

simply by getting her to react the way we just described and then touching yourself in a casual way or point to yourself while you are talking.

if you are casual enough in your anchoring gestures, she will be oblivious to what you are doing and merely enjoy the feelings she`s getting.

then in the next few minutes you can test your anchor by making similar gestures while asking her about things like what she likes to do for fun or where she goes to relax or whatever........and watch how she responds.

she will be smiling and glowing with pleasure and you can lead her imagination in any way you wish from this point on.

but, here is the master play.


what? while you are having fun.......?


get up and say look, i have had a really nice time and it was a pleasure to meet you but i have a meeting in 15 minutes, but if you would like to do this again as much as i do then maybe i can call you?

and shut the fuck up and stand there.

she will give you her number.


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